What am I reading? Yahoo Geocities is gonna dissapear from the seen soon. It is true that they are closing on 26th day of October, 2009! First I felt that it was a rumour, but after getting this news from a trusted site, I was shocked. Actually, I had some javascripts hosted at Geocities which I think I gotta move them now. I am thinking of moving them to a faster fileave.com. That is my view. What is yours? What are you going to do now with your files? Are you sad that Geocities is getting closed? Express your feelings via a comment.
TechDynamite pays its tribute to Geocities and we at TechDynamite salute it for its developmental work for the web. Thanks Yahoo!
TechDynamite pays its tribute to Geocities and we at TechDynamite salute it for its developmental work for the web. Thanks Yahoo!